Friday, December 17, 2010

finally done

last day off school for Christmas break and what a day to finish it off with a Christmas party in human geo.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

class daebte cont,

today we continued our debate and because our class did well we get to have a Christmas part tomorrow

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

class debate

today we started a big deabte that involves the whole class about india

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Sunday, December 12, 2010

film v.s reality

  • #3 they may be lucky enough to finally get a job that pays $2.50 per hour, on that salary there are forced to risk their lives staying in cheap poor, apartments would be an over statement. recently this year in November an "apartment" building collapsed due to flooding in the basement and additional floors which is against building codes. land lords can just pay off cops and other inspectors to look the other way rather than bringing it up to code and losing money.
  • #5 "MUMBAI — The newest and most exclusive residential tower for this city’s superrich is a cantilevered sheath of steel and glass soaring 27 floors into the sky. The parking garage fills six levels. Three helipads are on the roof. There are terraces upon terraces, airborne swimming pools and hanging gardens in a Blade Runner-meets-Babylon edifice overlooking India’s most dynamic city. There are nine elevators, a spa, a 50-seat theater and a grand ballroom. Hundreds of servants and staff are expected to work inside. And now, finally, after several years of planning and construction, the residents are about to move in. All five of them.
    The tower, known as Antilia, is the new home of India’s richest person, Mukesh Ambani, whose $27 billion fortune also ranks him among the richest people in the world. And even here in the country’s financial capital, where residents bear daily witness to the stark extremes of Indian wealth and poverty, Mr. Ambani’s building is so spectacularly over the top that the city’s already elastic boundaries of excess and disparity are being stretched to new dimensions

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

wednesday 12/8

today half out class we lost becuase matt cleary couldnt send his coffe document, but we were able to watch a little but more of slumdog millionaire

Sunday, December 5, 2010

indian human trafficking

India is a source, destination, and transit country for men, women, and children trafficked for the purposes of forced labor and commercial sexual exploitation; internal forced labor may constitute India's largest trafficking problem. Men, women, and children are held in debt bondage and face forced labor working in brick kilns, rice mills, agriculture, and embroidery factories. Women and girls are trafficked within the country for the purposes of commercial sexual exploitation and forced marriage especially in those areas where the sex ratio is highly skewed in favor of men. Girls are sold at a young age and suffer with diseases such as HIDS or AIDS. Children are subjected to forced labor as factory workers, domestic servants, beggars, and agriculture workers, and have been used as armed combatants by some terrorist and insurgent groups. India is a destination for women and girls from Nepal and Bangladesh trafficked for the purpose of commercial sexual exploitation.  Indian women are trafficked to the Middle East for commercial sexual exploitation. Slum dog millionaire, Jamal and Salim were able to have shelter and enough food but were forced to beg for money for this man. This man also blinded one boy to make him look for pathetic and to bring in more money. NGOs estimate this problem affects 20 to 65 million Indians.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

compare the motion picture industry in India and the untied states.Bollywood is the informal term popularly used for the Hindi-language film industry based in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. The term is often incorrectly used to refer to the whole of Indian cinema; it is only a part of the total Indian film industry, which includes several regional film industries sorted by language. Bollywood made a revenue of $1.75 Billion in 2006(estimated to rise to $3.4 Billion in 2010) which is only half the revenue of what one Hollywood studio, Walt Disney made in 2006. However, while Hollywood’s market inside the US has almost saturated, India’s 500 million population under the age of 20 will ensure that the market inside India will grow exponentially in the coming years.
what are the names of the 3 main characters in slum dog millionaire? Jamal, Salim, Latika
what is a Chai wallah?  is an authentic Indian spiced tea made with organic Fair Trade certified tea and certified organic spices
5 things about the Taj mahal:
1. It is one of the most recognizable structures in the world. It is widely considered as one of the most beautiful buildings in the world and stands as a symbol of eternal love.
2. It was built by Mughal emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his third wife, Mumtaz Mahal.
3. Taj Mahal is the finest example of Mughal architecture, a style that combines elements from Persian, Islamic and Indian architectural styles.
4. The construction began around 1632 and was completed around 1653, employing thousands of artisans and craftsmen. The construction of the Taj Mahal was entrusted to a board of architects under imperial supervision.
5. is a mausoleum located in Agra, India

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

continue slumdog millionaire

today we continued to watch slumdog millionaire
for HW: 4 facts about the Bombay riots:
  1. An estimated 575 Muslims and 275 Hindus died and 2,000 people were injured in the riots.
  2. 575 Muslims and 275 Hindus died in the riots.
  3. They were started as a result of communal tension in the city.
  4. The riots are between Muslims and Hindu. It started in December of 1992 ant the second one was in January of 1993. 900 people died in the first riot.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

starting slumdog millionaire

Rupee - form of currency in India
Amitalh Bachchan - A famous Bollywood film actor (He was on Kaun Banega Crorepati)
Kaun Banega Crorepati - India game show based off of the European game show (so you wanna be a millionaire)


  • Used to be called Bambai
  • It is the most populated city in India
  • Lies on the west coast of India
  • It houses India's premier Nuclear Facilities
  • It is the commercial and entertainment capital of India
Shantytown - A shanty town (also called a squatter settlement) is a slum settlement (sometimes illegal or unauthorized) of impoverished people who live in improvised dwellings made from scrap materials: often plywood, corrugated metal, and sheets of plastic
How many people world wide lives in one: 1 billion

Dharavi - is a slum and administrative ward over parts of Mumbai. Has the population of over 1 million and is the largest slum  in the world.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

india questions

  1. What is the current population of India?- 1,173,108,018 (July 2010 est.)country comparison to the world: 2    cia factbook
  2. What is the total fertility rate in India? 2.65 children per woman
  3. What percentage of the Indian population lives below the poverty line? 25% (2007 est.)
  4. Briefly describe two terrorist attacks inside India. 17 people died by a bomb in one attack and 150 died in another bombing 
  5. The Human Development Report of the United Nations ranks the countries of the world by poverty.  Where does India rank on this list?
  6. Briefly describe the effects of the monsoons on India. the affects of monsoons in india destroys crops and kills cattle and many people. the latest one killed 120 people and killed 4000 cattle.
  7. What are some of the problems India has getting clean water to its people? It can not be transfered through pips, especially in the slums, and water is usually obtained through rivers that are dirty.
  8. What is the literacy rate in India? males-73.4% femals-47.8%
  9. What are the major religions in India? Hindu 80.5%, Muslim 13.4%, Christian 2.3%, Sikh 1.9%, other 1.8%, unspecified 0.1% 
  10. When did India achieve independence, and from what country? India achieved their independence from China / Pakistan

Monday, November 22, 2010

china's and india's rocketing population

the worlds only population billionaires are china and india, at 1.34 billion and 1.21. these countries combined hold 40% of the worlds population. .China’s and India’s demographic size may also be appreciated by noting that each of their populations is larger than those of Africa, Europe or the entire Western hemisphere. China does have a bigger life expectancy which means better health care and treatments.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

finishing the projects

today we did some final touches on out project and presenting them tomorrow

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Monday, November 8, 2010


  • coffee is the most heavily traded crop in the world
  • Hawaii is the only state in America that produces coffee, so America has to import it from other countries
  • coffee comes from all over the world
  • profits of coffee do not make it to the poor small workers way at the bottom, they do the labor and if they cannot get connected the supply line of coffe may stop.
  • people look for cheaper coffee over quality of coffee

  • fair trade coffee-The United States consumes one-fifth of all the world's coffee, making it the largest consumer in the world. But few Americans realize that agriculture workers in the coffee industry often toil in what can be described as "sweatshops in the fields." Many small coffee farmers receive prices for their coffee that are less than the costs of production, forcing them into a cycle of poverty and debt. 
  •  globalization-  describes the process by which regional economies, societies, and cultures have become integrated through a global network of communication, transportation, and trade
  • relationship coffee-  is an alternative to the traditional coffee supply chain

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Saturday, October 30, 2010

magazine project

unfortunately i was sick this past Wednesday and Thursday and i missed my favorite class. human geography. we started a magazine project where we split into pairs and we all work on separate issues. me and my partner's topic is Sudan's fighting for Independence. my partner honestly already did most of the work so far but I'm contributing to make sure we did the project to the best of our ability

Monday, October 25, 2010

lost buys of sudan contiued

we continued another part of the movie in class today. after about 2 years of being in america the lost boys are finding a sense of lonliness. they miss thier family back in africa and although they keep sending them money they dont know if they are getting it or how it is being used. they are barely keeping anough money for themselves to acquire the main objects for living

Sunday, October 24, 2010

continuing lost boys of sudan

in - migration -  to move into or come to live in a region or community especially as part of a large-scale and continuing movement of population

out - migration - to leave one region or community in order to settle in another especially as part of a large-scale and continuing movement of population

forced migration - to be pushed out or forced out of a country

forced migration - refers to the coerced movement of a person or persons away from their home or home region. It often connotes violent coercion, and is used interchangeably with the terms "displacement" or

forced displacement. A specific form of forced migration is population transfer, which is a coherent policy to move unwanted persons, perhaps as an attempt at "ethnic cleansing".

net internal migration - moving to a country or estate and staying there for a long time

movers from abroad - movers from over seas

internally displaced person (IDP) -  is someone who is forced to flee their home but who, unlike a refugee, remains within their country's borders.

friday in class we watched another part of the movie. the lost buys moved to america and the technology and food is all too new to them. they dont know to use the technology or what food is safe to eat or how to eat it. it shows that africa is far behind many other countrys in the world. we are lucky as americans to have luxeries and a better standard of living

Thursday, October 21, 2010

lost boys of sudan

the lost boys of sudan had to leave thier homes becuase civil war broke out between the north and south. the north ordered to kill any south men regarless of the age.

the lost boys walked to ethiopia but they could not stay long becuase the ethiopian government crashed so they then had to walk to kanaku, kenya.

they had little food, water, or shelter. they had to worry about killed or straving to death. they had little education and they grouped up to entertian themselves and have a family. they created themselves a paralament.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Sunday, October 17, 2010

my past and future report

Brad Paszkiewicz
My past and future
There are many nice places in the world that I would like to live in. Australia is nice and Canada is always beautiful, a lot of places in Europe are great too. But no place can beat the United States of America. The land of the free and the home of the brave. I like exactly the way it is here. I have rights and freedoms and a great land at the top of its game. As being in Maryland is nice and I’ll always love my home but I would not mind moving to California. As there is no reason to really leave Maryland, nothing wrong with it at all I would just like to explore. Fly the nest, explore the world and find what it has to offer. California is a very nice place with good people, good sites to see, and tasty food. I vacationed there about 2 years ago and I had one of the best times of my life. Every night we went to a restaurant and I over ate every time because the food was so good. San Diego is also the 10th cleanest city in America. A chart that I found online is divided into the following categories: air quality, water condition, toxics, hazardous wastes, sanitation, and then total. The numbers are ranked out of 50. The air quality is only 13, but water can make up for it with 50, toxics are a whopping 46, hazardous wastes, a great high 42, sanitation-14 and totaled up, about its average is 32.57. San Diego was rated the fifth-best place to live in the United States in 2006 by Money magazine. According to Forbes magazine, San Diego is the fifth-wealthiest city in the United States. If San Diego was not an option I would then have to pick San Francisco. San Francisco is the 5th cleanest city in the United States. Air quality at 47 out of 50, water at 50, toxics at 34, hazardous wastes at a not so great 16, or the sanitation at 12. Overall its totaled up average is about 36.57 and just overall very clean. Both cities are also pretty safe crime rate wise and people obeying any other laws. They are both in California which I think is one of America’s best states. Just great places with nice weather. Speaking of weather, the one downside to living in either of these places is no snow. As some people do not like the snow which would be on upside for them to be living in southern states. I’m used to the snow in a wide range of temperatures in Maryland and I like the snow fun to play in and get off school. There are sacrifices and consequences to everything, and is a sacrifice I am willing to take for all the positives. 
  PART 2:          As for my past I’m 50% Polish on my dad’s side. As for my mom’s side we are not sure. My mom’s dad was French and English. My mom’s mom left when my mom was young and she has barely talked to her since then. My dad is 100% polish because it just so happened that both of my dad’s parents were Polish. My great-grandfather the father of my grandfather on my dad’s side was names Thomas Paszkiewicz. Thomas was married to Frances Barzyk. Thomas’s original copy of his certification of citizenship says he came over the 9th of November, 1936. My great-grandmother or the mother of my grandmother on my dad’s side was named Maryanna Dzierwinsky. Maryanna was married to Andreas Dzierwinsky. Maryanna’s certification of citizenship says she came into America on the 20th of august, 1938. Both Thomas and Maryanna came into the district of Maryland. Now on my mom’s side. Like I have said before her dad (my grandfather) was French and English. My mom’s dad was named Rufus Jarboe who was married to Shirley Shifflett. Since my Shirley left my mom and grandfather, we do not know much on her side. My great-grandfather John Oscar Jarboe was married to Mildred Saumenig. I could go on and on great on top of great-great. The very first Jarboe was LT. COL. John Jarboe born in Dijon France in 1619. I do not know when he came to America but he was stationed in St. Mary’s county. He entered Maryland from Virginia in 1646. He had a son named john and every child born from a father named john was named john as well until my great-grandfather broke the chain and named his son Rufus. My grandfather who I never meet but I know he was a great man. Both of my parents were born in MD as well as my grandparents. That is my report on my past and future.

Friday, October 8, 2010

population facts

over 6.8 billion people on the planet right now

increasing by over 80 million per year by 220,980 per day

14,000 births per hour

90% of this population growth takes place in hte developing countries of africa, south and east asia, and latin america

Thursday, October 7, 2010

why do people migrate. push and pull factors. push factors would be just wanting to leave your cuntry and dont care where you go. pull factors gives a reason for people to come to a certain place.    being tortered in your country, cant find work, cant practice your religion are all push factors. freedoms, money are pull factors

Thursday, September 30, 2010

life expectancy- the expectated number of years of life remaining at a given age
japan- total population: 82.12 years country comparison to the world: 3  male: 78.8 years  female: 85.62
france- total population: 80.98 yearscountry comparison to the world: 8 male: 77.79 years female: 84.33
kenya- total population: 57.86 years country comparison to the world: 189  male: 57.49 years female:58.24
cuba- total population: 77.45 years country comparison to the world: 55  male: 75.19 years female: 79.85
united states- 78.11 years
afghanistan-44.3 years

crude birthrate-  is the nativity or childbirths per 1,000 people per year (in estimation review points).
japan- 7.64 births/1,000 population (2010 est.) country comparison to the world: 222
kenya- 36.64 births/1,000 population (2010 est.) country comparison to the world: 29
ethiopia-43.66 births
united states- 13.83 births
germany- 8.18 births/1,000 population (2010 est.) country comparison to the world: 220

crude death rate- the total number of deaths per year per 1000 people
Afghanistan- 17.83
 Kenya- 9.72 deaths/1,000 population (July 2010 est.) country comparison to the world: 67
 United States-8.38
 Japan-  9.54 deaths/1,000 population (July 2010 est.)country comparison to the world: 69Mexico- 4.8
RNI (rate of natural increase)- is the crude birth rate minus the crude death rate of a population

TFR (total fertility rate)- the number of kids that is born into 1 woman
divided (usually) per 1,000 inhabitants (considered on midterm population
Niger- 7.68 children born/woman (2010 est.) country comparison to the world: 1
 Afghanistan- 5.5 children born/woman (2010 est.) country comparison to the world: 13
 Japan- 1.2 children born/woman (2010 est.) country comparison to the world: 218
 United States- 2.06 children born/woman (2010 est.) country comparison to the world: 126
 Germany- 1.42 children born/woman (2010 est.) country comparison to the world: 196
to keep the same amount of people in this country the TFR has to be 2.1

net migration rate- is the difference of immigrants and emigrants of an area in a period of time, divided (usually) per 1,000 inhabitants (considered on midterm population

population pyramid-  also called an age structure diagram, is a graphical illustration that shows the distribution of various age groups in a human population (typically that of a country or region of the world), which normally forms the shape of a pyramid.

RNI( rate of ntural increase) birthrate minus deathrate.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

test day

we took a test today about 9/11 and the middle east. it was kinda hard i hope i got at least a B.  ut we got candy after we finished so it wasnt all bad

Monday, September 27, 2010

test notes

today in class we went over important things that are going to appear on the test. like how most middle east countries have little arable land and depend on oil to bring all of thier money in.saudi araia is 1st in the world in exports and 2nd in production. and iran wants to build nuclear weapons to destroy isreal

Friday, September 24, 2010

major religions

Christanity- 2.1 billion people practice it, based of life of jesus which is the son of god, holy city is Jerusalim, leader of the catholic church is the pope, believe in the trinity father son and holy spirit,

Judaism- holy city is Jerusalim, 14 million jews world wide, oldest religion, 3 branches of abbraham

Islam- 5 pillars  1. they have to do daily prayer   2. giving Alms    3. fasting during ramadan   4. they have to go to Mecca     5. testonmony of faith,  thier holy city is Mecca, the holy book is the Qur'an, 1.5 billion followers, the muslim preacher is called a Imam

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

begging our prezi

today in class we partnered up and started a prezi on the 3 major religions in the world, christananity, judaism, and islamic. so far its fun cant wait to continue tomorrow

Monday, September 20, 2010

middle east research

today we finished our research on middle east countries like iran, iraq, saudi arabia, and egypt. they all seem to rely on oil for their money or else the would be poor countries.
saudi arabia-100% muslim    men 15% more literacy rate then woman     at least 18 to surve in military             life expectancy 74 years for males 78 years for females       infant mortalitly rate 11.57 out of 1000                  oil 2nd most in production and 1st in exports in the world             unemployment rate 11.7 %

iran-arable land 9.78%   permenent crops 1.29%        unemployment rate 11.8%      military service at 19 you have to join       life expanctancy males 69.65   woman 72.72       66 million population     oil production import  4th in the world    state sponsered terrorists

isreal- literacy rate 15 or older 97.1% of total population   religion 75.5% jewish 16.8% muslim 2.1% christian  
       life expanctancy 80.70 years   infant mortaltiy 4.22 out off 1000      focus of main problems in middle east

iraq- literacy rate 84.1% men    64.2% woman     gdp per capita 158th in the world     they attempted to take qu-at because of the oil in 1990

eygpt-population 78 million  16th in the world    less than 3% arable land      literacy rate for men 83%   71% for women       infant mortality 27 per 1000  81st in the world     90 % is muslim  compulsery military service  
government is republic     language is arabic but english and french is widely known     9.4% unemployment rate

Sunday, September 19, 2010

first blog and middle east countries

today in class we researched countries in the middle east using my country that i researched was saudi arabia. i learned that saudi arabia is the 2nd most in the world producing oil and 1st in exporting it. if it wasnt for oil this country would be broke.