Monday, January 31, 2011

back in school

after missing three days of school Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. here we are on Monday back and school continuing to watch guns germs and steel. as a refresher, Jared diamond is in papua new guinea birdwatching, then one of the natives asks him why Americans have so much and they have so little. So Jared goes on a mission to answer that question.  13,000 years ago the middle east was much more fertile and better. humans thrived here and at this time were hinter gatherers. they would follow animals to hunt, kill, and eat. today the forest of new guinea is still a place for hunters. It takes great skill to capture an animal. gathering is done by women, they cut down a sago tree and take they core make pulp, and cook it. this food is low calorie and not enough protein to support a big population. Barley and wheat grow and they are a much more better source of food. 11,000 years ago, scientists believed that they created a food storage building in the middle of the village which allows them to keep them safe, the food will last longer and they people wont have to move and follow animals anymore. they figured out how to grow their own food. they only picked the plants that are better for them and those were the plants that would be grown and the traits were passed on. they became domesticated. china learned how to grow rice. South America learned to grow corn and beans. New guinea never had natural crops growing so they were at a disadvantage. all they can do is just hunt and gather. people in New guinea also have bananas but sometimes have to resort to eating spiders for nutrients.

Monday, January 24, 2011

guns, germs, and steel

Jared diamond wrote this book on why some civilizations survived and why some failed. we are haves and then some are "have nots". take place in Papua new guinea professor at UCLA, likes to study birds, studies birds in Papua new guinea which brought him to this country. cultural diverse and adaptable. one day a man asks Jared why do we have so much wonderful possessions and why new guinea has nothing. this set him on his quest. they thought race meant power. Jared diamond says that they are very good with building and surviving in a forest with nothing, when if he were to do the same he would not even know where to start.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Monday, January 10, 2011

monday 1/11

today we went over questions on Korea to get ready for Wednesday's test

Monday, January 3, 2011


1.Democratic People's Republic of Korea(north), republic of Korea (south)
2.Kim Jung Il born 16 February 1941, took office in 8 July 1994.Throughout his schooling, Kim was involved in politics. He was active in the Children's Union and the Democratic Youth League (DYL), taking part in study groups of Marxist political theory and other literature. In September 1957 he became vice-chairman of his middle school's DYL branch. He pursued a programme of anti-factionalism and attempted to encourage greater ideological education among his classmates. He organized academic competitions and seminars, as well as helping to arrange field trips
lee myung-bak. first president of north Korea elected by the people.CEO of a big energy cooperation. mayor of Seuol.
4.china, japan, yellow sea, sea of japan, Russia
6.The 38th parallel was first suggested as a dividing line for Korea in 1896
7. tense, cant agree
8. north korea lives in poverty, people are dieing, the people are completely detached from the world, the newspaper and television is run by the government. south Korea is a no doubt better country than the north.
10. Pyongyang is its capital and largest city in north Korea, and Seoul is the largest city in south Korea
12. the role of nuclear weaponry is protection of themselves, threat other countries, rule through fear
13. north koreas biggset ally is russia and china, south Korea's biggest ally is the united states.