Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Guns, germs, and Steel contd.

 today in class we continued to watch guns. germs, and steel. we picked up the movie where they, being 11,000 years ago, are learning how to domesticate animals, for milk, meat, fur and skin for blankets and clothing. they used the animal waste to fertilize their crops. the first animals were goats and sheep, then ox or horse to plow their crop fields. pigs came into New guinea from China, but were by themselves not extremely helpful to humans. pigs are not nearly as strong as an ox or human. today in new Guinea the work is still all done by hands. humans have tried to domesticate many animals but with little success. Domesticadable animals over 100 pounds include: pigs, goats, sheep, cows, horses, 2 different kinds of camels, water buffalo, donkeys, llamas, reindeer, yaks, mithans, and cattle. most of the came from the middle east, which is why the countries were fertile and had a lot of crops. zebras could have been a good domesticadable animals but are too jittery. they made plaster from limestone which let them build shelters.

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