Thursday, March 17, 2011


Aristocrat- member of the ruling class; has wealth & power

Athens - Town built around the acropolis

Acropolis - big outcropping of rock where Athens sits.
good advantage because you can see your enemies approaching

Cleisthenes - set Greece up on a path to empire

Ar  te- everything you do, you do it to the best of your ability
The Iliad and the  odyssey - Bards (storytellers) - were told in Cleisthenes Athens as a child to make him believe that he would become who he was

Homer wrote the Illiad and the Odyssey

Tyrant - (ruler) ordinary man Pisistratus was Cleisthenes' brother in law 
Turned to common Athenians for support
He reduced taxes, they were able to keep more of the money they made
He started treating regular people really well
He offers loans- from government
Went into seizing power by bringing in a tall woman and saying she was a goddess - Athena
Becomes friends with everyone who was NOT an aristocrat

514 BC- Hippias went into law
The freedom that the common Athenians

510 B.C. clesthenies is one of the most powerful figures in Greece
agora-  place where the city discussed issues and voted on new laws
everyone that was a male that was not a slave could vote. white pebble for yes and black pebble for no

490 B.C  as Athens was gaining power the Persians had a huge empire building and the wanted to take out Athens.Greece supported freedom and Persia supported obedience. News spread of the Persian attack grew and all Athens males would have to fight. Hoplites- were the best soldiers they had. Athens were out numbered 2:1. Pheideppedis- ran from Athens all the Way to Sparta to tell the news and get help. He ran 140 miles in 2 days. When he got to Sparta they refused to help. Athens did come up victorious killing 6,000 Persians in 1 day.

Themistocles was a Greek general and fought in the battle of marathon.

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