Saturday, March 12, 2011

"The Greeks" crucible of civilization

Greece was the birth of science and politics. We struggle to even get close to equaling the architecture that they had. warships ruled the seas. 508 BC in athens people had turned away from their rulers.Cleisthenes was brought up from birth to be a ruler. he relieved the people should have freedom. sets them on the path to empire. 570 BC he was born. he was an aristocratic (member of ruling class) .the ancient stories inspired him. the Iliad and the Odyssey were the stories that shaped him. he wanted to become a real life hero. grew under Pisistratus rule. the city changed into something very powerful. he was going to try to overthrow Hipias. Hipias was captured and banned from Athens. 510 BC and he was one of the most powerful people in Greece .people started to conspire against him. he was called from exile after they overthrew Hisagaris and asked to build an empire. he made a meeting place and rich and poor people could discuss their future. He made up democracy. they met every 9 days to discuss everything.

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