Wednesday, April 27, 2011


A.    Consul: A consul is like a king in that he commanded armies and directed the government.  Rome had two and they could only rule for one year and not be elected again for ten years.
B.     Veto: Means “I forbid” and is a way to overrule another consuls decisions.
C.     Senate: Was the aristocratic branch of Rome’s government.
D.    Assembly: Was the democratic side of Rome’s government.  It consisted of all the citizen-soldiers of Rome.
E.     Dictator: Only used in times of crisis, a dictator had absolute power to make laws and command the army.  Their power only lasted six months.  They were chosen by the consuls and elected by the senate.
F.      Mercenary: Soldiers who fight for a country for pay.

  1.     They were dissatisfied because they were barred from holding most important positions in government, like; commanding armies, high priests, and high offices.
  2.     They won reforms by refusing to fight in the Roman army unless there were reforms.
  3.     They gained access to government positions, more favorable laws, enslavement for debt was ended, marriage between plebeians and patricians was allowed, and the creation of a written law, called the twelve tablets, was established.
  4.     They thought they had a balanced government because it was a part monarchy, part aristocracy, and part democracy, which they thought gave them the best mixture of governments.
  5. They won support because they willing to extend citizenship to those outside of Rome.  The new citizens became partners in the growth of Rome.
    6. Carthage was three time the size of Rome, they had a large navy of 500 ships, they were very wealthy, and were able to hire mercenaries.
    7. Rome had the advantage of drawing on a 500,000 soldier reserve, their citizens were more loyal, and war was Rome’s specialty, since they spent so many years pursuing it.
    8. Because Rome was victorious.  If Carthage had won the war then they would have become the greatest empire in history and Rome would not have passed down its laws, government, and culture to western civilization.
    9. They first welcomed them because they thought the Roman’s were protectors.  The Roman’s had freed the Greeks from Philip V of Macedon.
    10. Their attitude changed because the Roman’s interfered in Greek politics and they became increasingly ruthless.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Rome questions.

  1. Geography was important for Rome because Rome is the center of Italy which is the point of the Mediterranean. Rome being in the center allows them to send out armies in all directions and traders from north and south would meet in the middle of Italy which is exactly where Rome is.
  2.  Rome began as a settlement of Latin farmers.

The Greeks established about 50 colonies on the coast of southern Italy and Sicily. The activity of cities brought all of Italy , including Rome, into closer contact with Greek civilization.

The Etruscans had a writing system which the Etruscan letters were adapted from the Greek alphabet. The Etruscans had a great cultural influence on the Latin's. Eventually , the Latin settlers of Rome adopted the Etruscan alphabet. Roman buildings show the influence of Etruscan architecture. Etruscans also helped to develop Rome's trade. Several of Rome's kings were of Etruscan background, having migrated to Rome from Etruscan cities.
  1. ?
  1. The man ruled the house and they were known as pater familias "father of the family".  He controlled all family property. He could sell family members into slavery or even murder them with no punishments. He spoke for the family in the public assemblies or in the law courts. The pater familias in each house also acted as its chief priest.  While the women had control of the household duties and considered citizens but they still don’t have voting rights and were supposed to stay in the background.
  1. "The constant threat of war forced both patrician and plebian men in Rome to lead double lives as farmers and solders. All male citizens were required to serve in the army, and no one could hold public office until he had first served ten years as a soldier."

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Alexander-the movie

today we started another movie in class called Alexander. the first scene we watch is when Alex is still a young boy and makes a bet with his father that he can tame the wild horse which he names Bucephalus. Then we watched the battle of Gaugamela. In which Alexander wants revenge on his Father who he thinks Darius III murdered. Darius runs away when Alexander gets too close and there are many casualties.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Thursday 4/14


  1. He was critizied by the Athenians for his looks 
  2. He walked barefoot, clad only in a dirty robe
  3. did not care about appearance, only the mind
  4. People took the gods out of the objects and replaced them with reason
  5. Socrates created a new way of thinking, using reason to decipher people
  6. spent his days in conversation, talking and debating with anyone who would talk
  7. He says things like: My eyes are more beautiful because they bulge out so I can see better
  8. Socrates said that you should base your knowledge on what you think is right and wrong

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Monday 8/10

Battles and Wars

  • Why was the Phalanx maneuver good? It created a wall of shields
  • Hoplites were usually what? citizen soldiers
  • In the battle of Marathon, who won against who? Athens beat the Persians
Trial of Socrates
  • What did he teach to his students? that the earth was not the center of the universe
  • Socrates explained that the season don't what? The season don't change because of the gods
  • Why did he die? He was accused of blasphemy

Monday, April 11, 2011

Friday, April 8, 2011

Pericles/the golden age-lauren

who did pericles over throw?
what were the two religious festivals? Panathenaia and Dionysia
what were the 3 goals of pericles? strengthen democracy, expand empire, make Athens more beautiful

Greek Poetry-alena

who was sapho?
what two great books did homer write?


Greek Drama-sam (woof woof)

what is the Cult of Dionysus
What are the 3 types of drama
Why was drama created


Thursday, April 7, 2011


aristotle- 384-322
focused on hman life, natural world, and western philosophy.
logic, physical works, psychological works, philosophical works, and natural history
died of dieseas

plato 427-347

student of sacrotes and teacher of aristotle
Plato and socrates wrote a dialogue called The Allegory of the cave

sacrates 469-399
one of the most powerful thinkers in history
ethics, questions, morality
the method of question and answer was called the Socratic method
"The unexamined life is not worth living"
encouraged his students to examine their beliefs
was sentenced to death by telling kids there is another way of explaining things



Built by parecles designed by phidias
Big statue of Athena, common people called frieze, and other treasures
used to worship the God Athena

what style was the parthenon built in?
When was it built?
Who built it?

Alexander's youth-Morgan

Born in 356 BC.
His mother told him he was the son of a Greek god.
Student of Aristotle
Alexander tames a horse when he was 12 names it Bucephalus
Alex was born to be a ruler
Alex was captain in the Macedonian army at 16
Known as the greatest generals
His troops had high respect for him and he set a good example. going through as much pain as his troops
Alex died at 33. Rumors said he was poisoned but probably died of malaria.
Never lost a battle and conquered the world.


kevins Rap on math and science

Eratosthenes found out the circumference of the earth

Monday, April 4, 2011