Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Rome questions.

  1. Geography was important for Rome because Rome is the center of Italy which is the point of the Mediterranean. Rome being in the center allows them to send out armies in all directions and traders from north and south would meet in the middle of Italy which is exactly where Rome is.
  2.  Rome began as a settlement of Latin farmers.

The Greeks established about 50 colonies on the coast of southern Italy and Sicily. The activity of cities brought all of Italy , including Rome, into closer contact with Greek civilization.

The Etruscans had a writing system which the Etruscan letters were adapted from the Greek alphabet. The Etruscans had a great cultural influence on the Latin's. Eventually , the Latin settlers of Rome adopted the Etruscan alphabet. Roman buildings show the influence of Etruscan architecture. Etruscans also helped to develop Rome's trade. Several of Rome's kings were of Etruscan background, having migrated to Rome from Etruscan cities.
  1. ?
  1. The man ruled the house and they were known as pater familias "father of the family".  He controlled all family property. He could sell family members into slavery or even murder them with no punishments. He spoke for the family in the public assemblies or in the law courts. The pater familias in each house also acted as its chief priest.  While the women had control of the household duties and considered citizens but they still don’t have voting rights and were supposed to stay in the background.
  1. "The constant threat of war forced both patrician and plebian men in Rome to lead double lives as farmers and solders. All male citizens were required to serve in the army, and no one could hold public office until he had first served ten years as a soldier."

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