Thursday, April 14, 2011

Thursday 4/14


  1. He was critizied by the Athenians for his looks 
  2. He walked barefoot, clad only in a dirty robe
  3. did not care about appearance, only the mind
  4. People took the gods out of the objects and replaced them with reason
  5. Socrates created a new way of thinking, using reason to decipher people
  6. spent his days in conversation, talking and debating with anyone who would talk
  7. He says things like: My eyes are more beautiful because they bulge out so I can see better
  8. Socrates said that you should base your knowledge on what you think is right and wrong

1 comment:

  1. There is more information about this rubric at Greek Project Rubric (found under the Links to History on my blog).

    1) 25/25
    2) 22/25
    3) 25/25 !
    4) 25/25

    Total: 97/100

    The presentation was good, but I think you, with your ability to really talk to people, could have done a little better. Excellent content, and of course a sweet Parthenon (Get it? Sweet? Marshmallows?). Great job.

    (Your classmates gave you a 95.)
